Principal's Message

August 8, 2024
Dear Tongue River High School Parents,
I hope you have experienced a memorable summer thus far and that this communication finds you and your loved ones doing very well. My name is Wade Sanford and I am the new principal at Tongue River High School. I am excited to welcome you to the 2024-25 school year.
The data for TRHS indicates outstanding work on the part of students and staff and I look to continue that momentum and positive trajectory into this school year as well as we continue to strive to create and maintain a positive school culture for our students, staff, and families. One that fosters a sense of belonging and self-confidence for all!
This year, we have several new faces, starting with office staff. In addition to myself being new, we have two new administrative assistants in the front office, Karen Cain and Jennifer Irion. Additionally, Barb Cavanaugh will be teaching Spanish and P.E., Kevin Vance is the new guidance counselor, and Patrick O'Harra will be teaching 9th and 10th grade English. Also, Carrie Kinzie will be new to the Special Education department. We are grateful for our new staff and are excited to welcome them to TRHS.
Please note the following dates of importance:
August 12 - First day of golf practice
August 14 - Back to School Night for parents and students at 5:30 PM.
August 15 - Fall Sports Parent Meeting for cross country, football and volleyball at 5:30 PM in TRHS auditorium.
August 19 - First Day of Practice for cross country, football, and volleyball.
August 19 - First Day of School for All SCSD1 Students!
Once again, welcome back! Should you need anything, or have questions, please feel free to stop in or contact me at (307) 655 - 2236 or at .
Go Eagles!
Wade Sanford
Principal - TRHS