SCSD#1 Staff and Families - Because of the drifting snow on our roads throughout our district, we will have a two hour delayed start tomorrow, Monday, January 13. This will allow the roads to get plowed and our buses to safely transport our students in the morning. Thank you and stay safe- Jeff Jones - Superintendent
24 days ago, SCSD #1
School Board Meeting tonight - Big Horn High School - Room 211 - 6:00PM
3 months ago, SCSD #1
"Check and Connect" with Superintendent Dr. Jones tonight at 6:00pm at Tongue River High School.
4 months ago, SCSD #1
7 months ago, SCSD1
School Supplies List
Congratulations to the Young Authors District Winners: Reese, Kieren, Emma, Andreya, Maximus, Sanibel, Jasmine, Natalie, Finn, Ava and David! (see image for details)
11 months ago, SCSD1
Young Authors District
Help make a merrier Christmas for families in the Tongue River Valley by donating non-perishable food items (NO GLASS JARS). Please check expiration dates on ALL food donated. We are unable to hand out expired food. Collection Locations: TRE/TRMS/TRHS, both of the TRVCC buildings & Cowboy State Bank Food will be picked up at the above locations on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7 Youth Groups will be placing BLUE or WHITE bags on your doors the week of Dec 2, returning on Dec 9 between 9:00 AM & noon to pick up your donations. If we miss your home, please drop off your donations at the TRVCC in Dayton. We need a sorting crew at 9:00 on Saturday, December 9. We need a food box assemble crew 9:00 on Sunday,December 10. We need a delivery crew at 11 on Sunday, December 10. Contact Brenda Nixon at 655-9216(h) or 655-2236(w) or private message her on Facebook with questions or if you would like to help.
about 1 year ago, SCSD1
Food Drive
October is Principal Recognition Month. Let our administrators know how much you appreciate them!
over 1 year ago, SCSD1
Principal Recognition
Here are four dates you'll want to be aware of for next year: Monday, October 9th (Columbus Day): Staff inservice-no school for students Monday, February 19th (President's Day): Staff inservice-no school for students Thursday, May 23rd: Big Horn High School Graduation - 7:00pm Friday, May 24th: Tongue River High School Graduation - 7:00pm Building principals will notify you of open houses, back to school nights and parent-teacher conferences. Next year's student calendar is on the district website homepage.
over 1 year ago, SCSD1
key dates
Monday - March 27 Due to the current road conditions, SCSD#1 will operate on a 2 hour delay today (Monday) to allow plows to clear the roadways. Happy Spring!
almost 2 years ago, SCSD #1
Superintendent interviews will take place March 1, 6, and 8. The school board has scheduled 3 community forums that stakeholders can attend to hear comments from each candidate. You can find details about the forums and each candidate at:
almost 2 years ago, SCSD1
Superintendent interviews will take place March 1, 6, and 8. The school board has scheduled 3 community forums that stakeholders can attend to hear comments from each candidate. You can find details about the forums and each candidate at:
almost 2 years ago, SCSD1
March 2nd: One Book One School Kickoff - Dinner at 5:30 PM
almost 2 years ago, SCSD1
Letters regarding updates on attendance went home with students this week. If you did not receive one, check your child's backpack or contact the school.
about 2 years ago, SCSD1
A big THANK YOU to all who bought presents for the "ornaments" (students) on our tree. We appreciate you!
about 2 years ago, SCSD1
Canned Food Drive ends TOMORROW (Dec. 8th)!
about 2 years ago, SCSD1
The TRE Christmas Giving Tree is up and decorated with ornaments for our TR Valley families who need a little extra help this Christmas. Come in, pick out an ornament (or 5!) to help make someone's Christmas a little merrier. Call the TRE office for more information.
about 2 years ago, SCSD1
Canned Food Drive / Food Basket: We care for each other here in the Tongue River Valley. If you have extra food to spare please send canned goods (not expired, please) for our food drive. If instead, the high food prices are making things tough, we have Christmas Food Baskets. Sign-up forms have been sent home. If you are interested let us know.
about 2 years ago, SCSD1
canned food
TRE OPEN HOUSE TONIGHT (August 18), 5:30 - 6:30 PM (see image for details)
over 2 years ago, SCSD1
Our induction staff are working hard in preparation for a fantastic school year!
over 2 years ago, SCSD1
It's August 1st, so we can officially start talking about "Back-to-School"! 😃 Please see the attached flyer for information on back-to-school immunization clinics and immunization requirements.
over 2 years ago, SCSD1
immunization, back to school