FAST TRACK to Substitute Teaching

Last year we created a "Fast Track" to becoming a substitute teacher and it made a significant difference for our substitute pool.  Having available substitutes is such a HUGE help to our schools! It's a big stress reliever for our students too when they see consistent people substituting. This is more likely to happen when we have a larger substitute pool. 

If you, or someone you know, might like to substitute in our amazing school district, please reach out to me.  My goal is to achieve a 100% fill rate every single day in our schools.  My email is and my office phone is (307) 655-9541 ext. 1132.  If you reach out to me, we can chat about what it will take to get you into our subbing pool.  In the majority of cases, the entire process can be completed in about one week!  Our daily rate for substitute teachers is $125.

Thank you and please help us out by continuing to spread the word about our "Fast Track" to subbing program!

Jeff Jones,