Tongue River Elementary - Counselor
Kevin Charlson
307-655-2206 Ext. 1007
PO Box 849
Ranchester, WY 82839

I started my career in public education as a social studies teacher. After teaching for seven years I became an elementary school counselor.
MSU-Billings-Bachelor of science in education
Chadron State College- Masters of education in school counseling
My philosophy of School Counseling:
Sometimes as students travel the “road of public education,” they encounter “roadblocks.” The “road blocks” students experience that hinder them from accessing their education are varied and might be anger outbursts, sadness from a loss they are experiencing such as the death of a loved one, anxiety around coming to school, struggles with friends or a whole host of other situations.
My job as school counselor is to either help the student move the “road block” if that is possible, or find a way to climb over or around it. I do this through a variety of ways, such as, whole class social skills lessons, small group work, one on one sessions with a student, by connecting the student with a positive mentor in the school, by facilitating a check in and check out each day, or by enlisting the student’s help to make the school a better place through a program called meaningful work.