Our preschool programs are:

*Play-based learning *Introduction to learning environments
*Focused on social emotional aspects of school readiness 
*Fun, Positive, Caring environments 
*Center-Based Learning to enhance fine and gross motor skills, language and cognitive development

2025-2026 Big Horn Preschool Options:

Choose the program that works best for your family. 

3-5 year old Pre-K Half Day:

  • Mixed-Age Classes 

  • Choose AM(geared for 3/4 year olds) or PM(geared for 4/5 year olds)

  • Choose 2-day or 4-day programs

  • Will follow Connect 4 Learning Curriculum

  • Must be potty-trained  

  • $368/month - 4 half days

  • $195/month - 2 half days

  • $150 enrollment fee.

3 year old FULL DAY:

  • Full day pre-k

  • Best for families who need a childcare option

  • Will follow Connect 4 Learning Curriculum

  • Children will be age 3 by September 15th 

  • Must be potty-trained

  • $735/Month and $150 enrollment fee

  • Parents provide lunch and snacks

4 year old FULL DAY:

  • Full day pre-k

  • Best for families who need a childcare option

  • Will follow Connect 4 Learning Curriculum

  • Children will be age 4 by September 15th.

  • Must be potty-trained

  • $735/Month and $150 enrollment fee

  • Parents provide lunch and snacks

Click below for 2025-2026 Big Horn Preschool Registration.

What you can continue to expect from BH Little Ram Pre-K: 

  1. We understand that the needs of families are changing and we are here to help. 

  2. We believe in the power of play based learning and the strong benefits of thoughtful and meaningful play in all areas of child development. 

  3. Our focus is on the social emotional development of our pre-k students. We are aiming to promote problem solving skills, an understanding of emotions, listening and following directions, and being great friends to others. 

  4. We are a team together with you! We want you to be involved and you are welcome to volunteer, as well as participating in activities in the classroom. We encourage open communication and appreciate the expertise you have concerning your child!

  5. We appreciate you trusting us with your child and will strive to make them feel loved everyday. 

SPACES ARE LIMITED-please contact Kendra at kbarney@sheridan.k12.wy.us to indicate which pre-k option you are wanting to participate in! 

Current Programs! Join us for some fun! 

Learning With Littles For Tongue River Valley

Free for SCSD#1 children ages 0-5

Every Wednesday at Tongue River Learning Center


We follow SCSD #1 school calendar. We begin the first Wednesday after Labor Day and our last session takes place the Wednesday before Memorial Day. 

Learning With Littles For Big Horn

Free for SCSD#1 children ages 0-5

Every Tuesday at 303 HWY 335 (the green and white house as you make the turn into Big Horn)

8:30 a.m.- 9:30 a.m.

We follow SCSD #1 school calendar. We begin the first Tuesday after Labor Day and our last session takes place the Tuesday before Memorial Day. 

Join us for an hour of activities, stories, and songs.

No registration is necessary, show up and join in the fun!  

Call Kendra Barney at 307-267-1933 with questions.