Big Horn High School Guidance Counselor
Coty Nikont
307-674-8190 Ext. 1118
PO Box 490
Big Horn, WY 82833

As school counselors, we strive to assist students in achieving their academic, social, personal, and career goals. We focus on student strengths and assets while working on any difficulties or issues that arise. As such, school counselors must be skilled in meeting the changing needs of students, families, schools, and communities. They must be culturally competent and be skillful in evidence-based practices.
Professional Counselor’s Disclosure Statement
Public school counselors provide a support service designed to help each student become fully functioning members of society by teaching skills that enhance problem-solving and goal-setting.
School Counselor Ethics
School counselors abide by all national, state, and district rules pertaining to the ethical treatment of minors. We are governed by the American School Counseling Association’s Ethical Standards for School Counselors. A copy of these standards is available upon request.
School counselors protect the confidentiality of information received in our counseling relationships as specified by federal and state laws, written policies and ethical standards. We protect the privacy of your school records and release personal data only according to prescribed laws and school policies. School counselors may legally and ethically break confidentiality and involve others if there is clear and imminent danger to yourself or others, or if we are made award of a potential or actual threat of physical or sexual abuse. As counselors, we respect the rights and responsibilities of your parents and may share information with them about you. We recognize that all parents are vested with certain rights and responsibilities for the welfare of their children according to the law.
Provision for Complaints
If you wish to report a complaint, you may contact Big Horn High School Principal, Mike Daley, at 307-674-8190.