Title I
We would like to touch base with parents of children enrolled in the Title I Reading Program here at Tongue River Elementary. As many of you already know, the federal funding for this program allows your child to receive additional assistance in reading and other literacy related skills. With Title I funds, our school can offer family nights as well as purchase supplemental programs to benefit the students.
Gina Melger previously taught reading for 8 years before moving to 4th grade. After 5 years of 4th grade, she decided to go back to reading. She enjoys working with all ages in a daily small group setting.
Tamie Simmons came to us as a middle school reading teacher. During her time at TRE, she has been a kindergarten teacher, as well as a 3rd grade teacher. She has returned to the reading teacher position in the 2022/2023 school year to continue to share her love of reading.
Parent Handbook