BigHorn Elementary Address/Phone

 Welcome Back! 

July 30th, 2024 

Dear Big Horn Community and Families, 

I am excited to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year!  I hope everyone had a wonderful summer and is recharged and ready to take on the new year.  

I’d like to start off with thanking the Ram community for the opportunity to lead Big Horn Elementary.  BHE has a fantastic reputation with a long history of excellence, and I look forward to working with students, staff, and families to continue to build Ram Pride well into the future.  

At Big Horn Elementary we believe in Empowerment for Learning: Learning for Empowerment and you can expect that your child will continue to receive the highest quality public education in the state of Wyoming.  Our staff will implement high quality instructional practices, use up to date assessment tools, and design intervention and enrichment lessons to meet the needs of all students.  

We believe that a strong partnership with families is a pillar of a successful education for a child, and parents will be informed of their child’s academic progress throughout the school year.  If at any time you have questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher or myself via phone call, email, a note to the teacher, or stopping into the building.  All staff emails follow the naming format of first initial followed by last name  For example, my email address for Brad Gregorich is  

We have a few new faces in the building including Kaelee Saner in 5th grade and Leslie Fuhrman who will be stepping into the Special Education role.  A complete listing of our staff can be found on the school website ( by clicking the menu and going to the staff button.  

Below is some additional information as you look to start off the school year: 

Back to School BBQ - The 21st Annual Big Horn Campus BBQ will be held on Wednesday, August 14th.  

SCHOOL DAY – The first day of school is Monday, August 19th.  School/seat time begins at 8:00 A.M. Monday through Thursday. Students can enter their classroom at 7:55 A.M. School dismisses from 3:50 PM for K-2 and 3:55 for 3-5. The buses leave at 4:05 P.M.  The good attendance, work habits, and behavior that your child develops in elementary school can set a strong foundation as a lifelong learner.  Therefore, it is very important that your child arrives at school in a timely manner. It is also important to realize that with a four-day week of school, absences can add up to a week’s absence quickly.

SCHOOL LUNCH AND BREAKFAST – Students may bring a cold lunch or partake in school breakfast and/or hot lunch. We will begin serving breakfast at 7:45 A.M. and lunch is at 11:30 for KB-2nd and 11:55 for grades 3-5. If applicable, Free and Reduced Lunch applications can be found on the website.

SCHOOL SPIRIT DAY – Thursday is our Spirit Day.  On Thursdays, we celebrate our school by wearing our school colors, maroon and gold, or school spirit clothing line.  Clothing is also available from the HS Parent Group and various places around town.

PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES - Families play an important role in their child’s education and we honor you. We will hold our Parent Teacher Conferences Thursday, September 12th and 13th. Appointment requests will be sent on the first day of school.

HOME AND SCHOOL COMMUNICATIONS –   We will continue to send out the “Monday Folder” email to ensure families are aware of opportunities for involvement and all the great things that are happening at BHE.  If you find you are not receiving the email or would like a paper copy, please reach out to our front office.  You can expect to receive additional communication from your child's teacher and myself throughout the year.  If at any time you find communication from the school lacking, please reach out and we will work together to resolve the issue.  

Once again, thank you to the Ram community for this opportunity.  It is going to be a great year!  Go Rams! 


Brad Gregorich 
Big Horn Elementary